

Sunday, February 12, 2017

How Did This All Start?

Neither Laura or I were born into a sailing or boating family. I was raised on the southern shores of Lake Michigan, so I had the opportunity to do some boating, mostly for purposes of fishing. Laura was raised in central Illinois, and enjoyed canoeing and boating on small inland lakes.

The Lake Michigan experience exposed me to beach catamarans, and I would marvel at the speed and agility of the small Hobie Cats in the brisk winds. I was able to understand the concepts of sailing, but had no real experience outside of being a passenger.

Fast forward many years to vacations in the Caribbean with our children. It was there, as landlubbers, that we saw the beautiful monohulls and catamarans cruising about the islands. Little did I know that I had been bitten by the sailing bug... I had to learn more about it!

On one particular trip to Grenada, we met a lovely couple who took our family for a cruise around the Tobago Keys on their 42' sloop. Now I began to take this much more serious and started to read and study about sailing. I knew that somehow Laura and I would someday find a way to be sailors too.

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